Cerebrospinal fluid - Acusera
Fabricante:Randox Brasil LTDA

The Randox Acusera cerebrospinal fluid quality control is designed for use in the routine monitoring of both accuracy and precision on a wide range of instruments. Assayed method specific target values and ranges are provided for 11 parameters including percentage total protein quoted for electrophoresis regions at Albumin, Alpha-1-Globulin, Alpha-2-Globulin, Beta Globulin and Gamma Globulin.
- Lyophilised for enhanced stability
- Stable to expiry date at 2°C – 8°C
- Reconstituted stability of 14 days at 2°C – 8°C
CSF Control Level 2
10 x 3ml
CSF Control Level 3
10 x 3ml
The Randox Acusera cerebrospinal fluid quality control is designed for use in the routine monitoring of both accuracy and precision on a wide range of instruments. Assayed method specific target values and ranges are provided for 11 parameters including percentage total protein quoted for electrophoresis regions at Albumin, Alpha-1-Globulin, Alpha-2-Globulin, Beta Globulin and Gamma Globulin.
- Lyophilised for enhanced stability
- Stable to expiry date at 2°C – 8°C
- Reconstituted stability of 14 days at 2°C – 8°C
CSF Control Level 2
10 x 3ml
CSF Control Level 3
10 x 3ml
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