Glutathione Reductase (UV)
Fabricante:Randox Brasil LTDA

Categorias:Bioquímica Clínica
Applications available:
For a wide variety of clinical chemistry analysers
Exceptional correlation:
The Glutathione Reductase assay showed a correlation of r=0.988 against another commercially available method
Excellent linearity:
387 U/l, removing the need for sample dilution
R1 5 x 5ml
R2 5 x 3ml
Applications available:
For a wide variety of clinical chemistry analysers
Exceptional correlation:
The Glutathione Reductase assay showed a correlation of r=0.988 against another commercially available method
Excellent linearity:
387 U/l, removing the need for sample dilution
R1 5 x 5ml
R2 5 x 3ml
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